This needs to stop

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Sooner or later we might get past this coronavirus that is currently holding all the humanity hostage. But someone explain it to me if we are ever going to get past the virus of this sickening mentality that infects a fairly large section of our society and may I clearly say here, both women and men. This is not an obscure fact this is and has been the largest if I can call it a pandemic which humanity could have ever faced maybe since the beginning of humanity itself. This is such a disgrace for us as Indians who take  so much pride in our culture whose integral part has been worshiping female deities (not to mention the fact that most of us felt a hole in our heart watching the last episode of ramayana where devi sita could no longer bear the brunt and decides to leave the earth because she was tired of facing the repeated humiliation at the hands of society)Where a goddess wasn't spared, what do you expect for the remaining mortals .
Women safety is no joke. Living in a small town I can tell you that the number of dreams dying in the eyes of young women is huge because their parents are too scared to send them alone to big cities to pursue their dream careers. 
Hanging of Nirbhaya's culprits was supposed to instill fear among such people who could think of committing such heinous crimes but this #boyslockerroom  story proves that even young teenage boys are not scared that they might get in trouble for their unacceptable behavior. This death penalty has totally failed to serve its purpose.This mocks the idea that harsh punishments act as deterrent . This was just one group which got exposed, there might be  plethora of such. These were the boys from posh schools getting the best education possible where they would have been taught  eveything about respecting others and consent .I'll leave it your imagination what could be possible in places where there's no education. I shudder at the thought of what kind of blood curdling monsters  will  they become when they grow up

Women too are not immune to such behavior, this whole boys locker room  story has also led to the exposing of some  "women only"group chats. This is even more shameful that how some of us are ridiculing each other  with such audacity. Is everybody's conscience dead....It is mind boggling to know that one woman ridicules  another's body proportions.No repect for  each other . Disgusting!!!

This needs to stop.This needs to change. The world needs to raise better kids who grow up to become better citizens and not psychopaths. We need to teach  young children to respect women (even if they are not related to you)  and that respect should not just be verbal but it should show in their actions and their thoughts. Women, young girls ...all have feelings ..your one casual remark goes a long never know how it scars someone for life. 
Don't sanctify women, don't equate them to deities just treat them like fellow human beings who feel respected . Period


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